welcome summer time
Posted by Clare , Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:59 PM
there you are sunshine!
I guess Athens was hiding you- or maybe it was Alden Library. who knows?
Anyway, I have been home just over a week and currently am deeply concerned about my lack of a tan. I'm pasty (pasty). Gotta work on that- also on my list of summer plans:
1. Paint my living room- Mom's orders
2. Lose 20 pounds- Just balancing it out- THANKS sorority house cooking. It was like swimming in butta. Thankfully I have my own kitch next year.
3. Save muuun-nay (money)- you know for food to cook in my own little kitch.
4. Find cute things to put in my new bedroom- !!!!!! browns/greens. Thinking of adding a dusty rose hue into the mix, but just became aware as I am writing that no one cares but me.
5. Recruitment jazz- I'm saying "jazz" to mask my true feelings. my life come fall = game over.
6. Eat seafood until I explode- counter productive to item 2, but don't worry it'll only be for a week- in Cape Cod- where fresh seafood is freaking ABUNDANT. I'm a'cheatin on my vegetarian ways. Don't judge.

there was something else, but I can't remember it. oh well.
But point 7 brings me to the uh, point of this post. As I recently pointed out I like books - and variations of the word "point." I like books so much in fact that I have chosen to bother you with my opinions on them.
Don't all shout for joy at once, people.
I have decided to - temporarily?- make this a book review blog! I read about a book a week - not to toot my own horn- in the summer and decided with an apparent lack of structure and abundance of free time that seems to have come my way I'll give you a little insight into the wonderful world of what I'm reading- and what I think of it.
1st title announcement to come in the next few days (and possible blog RE-titling?)- I just finished my last book today and am in the market for a new one- shouldn't be too hard in my library of a house.
Just call me Sparknotes playa.
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